RV social groups are the glue that holds the community together!
Many social groups are all open all RVers. They often host group rallies in snowbird states like Texas, Arizona, and Florida.
Other social groups are open to those of a shared interest or background. If you’re a full-timing family learning to “road-school,” you’ll find a supportive network of people just like you.
- Also, if you like saving money, join one of the popular RV membership clubs and pass programs listed here.
- Wanting to consult the hive mind? We’ve listed social media discussion groups and online forums by topic and/or RV model here.
- Still looking? See our roster of mobile apps, books, associations, and other helpful resources.
Table of Contents
Special Interest and Social Clubs
The following clubs focus on narrower interests, such as a certain RV type, brand, or other interest.
- Campers for Christ: Food and fellow, wherever two or more gather in his name. Open to everyone!
- Explorer RV Club: Canada’s premier RV membership club for discounts, meetups and industry access.
- Escapees: One of the nation’s most popular RV clubs, Escapees offers community get-togethers, mail forwarding, RV education, and so much more!
- Family Campers and RVers (was National Campers & Hikers Association (NCHA)): Known as the “Friendliest People in the World”, FCRV is an organization dedicated to camping fellowships, the preservation of our international heritage, and the strengthening of family bonds through shared activities in the out-of-doors. Stresses conservation and wild life refuges.
- Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA): A club for motor home owners, offering benefits like magazine, mail forwarding, RV insurance, and more. Has many individual chapters!
- Diesel RV Club: Open to owners of diesel-powered motorhomes and diesel-powered tow vehicles!
- Fulltime Families: Dedicated to families with children who are living and loving life as full-time RVers.
- Handicapped Travel Club: Founded in 1973 to encourage traveling for people with a wide range of disabilities.
- Loners on Wheels: No, it’s not a match-making or dating service! If you’re all about companionship and support (and you’re legally single), check on Loners on Wheels, founded in 1969.
- Mavericks RV Club: The Mavericks were originally a chapter of the Alfa Owners Club (formerly known as the Sundancers). With the demise of the Alfa manufacturer, the club opened membership to all RVers. They are a purely social RV club that enjoys visiting and experiencing outings generally within our central California region.
- National African American RVers Association: Offering national and regional rallies for family-friendly fun. Children and pets welcome!
- National Camping Travelers: A social Masonic camping club for Master Masons and their families.
- National Square Dance Campers Association: Combine two great activities that you love! The NSDCA organizes community Square and Round dances once weekend a month throughout the year.
- North American Family Campers Association (NAFCA): If you live in New England, Florida, or Canada, the NAFCA has a chapter for you! All campers are welcome. You just have to love camping!
- Rainbow RV Club: A group for LBGTQ+ RVers.
- RV.Meetup: Join a group to make friends, meet up, and explore the outdoors together!
- RV Radio Network: Check out this ARRL-affiliated club if you’re a fan of amateur and ham radio.
- RVing Women: Enjoy rallies, events, and special recreational activities with other women RVers. There are chapters all over the country!
- S.M.A.R.T. Nomads: A chapter for Special Military Active Recreational Travelers living on the road!
- Tin Can Tourists: For RVers traveling in vintage trailers and motorhomes, restored or not!
- Xscapers: Part of the Escapees Network, Xscapers offers a rockin’ good time and in-depth education for families on the road and nomadic working-age adults.
RV Owner Brand Clubs
- Alfa Lonestars: The Alfa Lonestars is a club for Alfa RV owners. They currently enroll members from Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Louisiana, and Arkansas.
- Alfa Roadrunners: The Alfa Roadrunners are a non-regional RVing group. Members are full-time/half-time/part-time campers in Alfa RVs across the USA and Canada.
- Allegro Club: The Allegro Club is the official membership organization of Tiffin motor home owners.
- Bounders United: Bounders United offers you fun and friendship. Its stated purpose is “to promote and facilitate the ownership and use for pleasure, of Bounder motorhomes…”
- Foretravel Motorcade Club: Foretravel, Inc. sponsors one of today’s largest and most active owners clubs. Known as the Foretravel Motorcade Club, it has individual chapters throughout the nation. To be a member you must own a Foretravel.
- Holiday Rambler RV Club (HRRVC): The Holiday Rambler Recreational Vehicle Club (HRRVC) is one of the leading clubs in the RV industry with more than 300 active chapters with numerous Special Interest Chapters and thousands of members located across the United States and Canada. If you own a Holiday Rambler product (motorhome, fifth wheel or travel trailer) you are eligible to join HRRVC
- Monaco Coach Owners Association: Established for the enjoyment of Monaco coach owners.
- Sun Seekers RV Club: A chapter of the ALFA Owner’s Club.
Industry Associations
- North American Truck Camper Owners Association: We are NATCOA & INTCOA-Australia, organizations dedicated to the promotion of the “Truck Camper” or “Slide-On” as the preferred RV choice.
- Canadian Recreational Vehicle Association: Industry association for Canadian RV manufacturers and the supporting industry.
America the Beautiful Pass
Also known as the Interagency Pass, the America the Beautiful Pass gives you free admission to our country’s national parks for a full year – and it only costs $80! A pass covers an entire vehicle.
Andy Herrick is a blogging nerd, #8 Enneagram, wannabe bread baker, INTJ, RV industry professional, and small business entrepreneur. He can be found hanging out with his lovely wife and family, skiing, cycling, climbing, hiking, and convincing anyone who will listen why dogs aren’t really that great of pets. Also, he runs this website.
- Andyhttps://changingears.com/author/andrew-herrick/
- Andyhttps://changingears.com/author/andrew-herrick/
- Andyhttps://changingears.com/author/andrew-herrick/
- Andyhttps://changingears.com/author/andrew-herrick/