RV Salvage Yards and Local Parts Stores

Looking for an RV Salvage Yard or Parts Store Near You?

Changing Gears has compiled a complete list of RV salvage yards and parts stores by state. You can purchase used RV parts or even sell your camper or motorhome to these local businesses for cash.

If you’re searching for a sticks n’ bricks store, please review some of the entries below for independently owned RV parts stores. We also recommend you search for local RV dealerships, plus truck and trailer service and repair shops. They will normally carry common RV repair and maintenance parts. If you shop at Camping World, you can use their store locater here.

Many RV parts retailers are online-only, such as RV Parts Country, Etrailer, PPL Motorhomes, RecPro, Adventure RV, etc. If you’re willing to wait a few days, you can often find a good deal online!

Keep in mind that some RV parts, such as custom furniture, countertops, or fender wheel wells, may only be available directly from your manufacturer. Contact their customer or warranty support to submit a request. Expect a 4-12 week wait.

Also, please consider supporting this site by shopping through our Amazon Gear store or one of our affiliate partners. Your help goes a long way!

Buying Used RV Parts at a Salvage Yard?

RV parts can be quite expensive!

Purchasing used parts at an RV salvage and surplus yard can save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars. 

Most of the parts in your RV fall into three categories:

  1. Unique part only available by the RV manufacturer, such as decals, wire harnesses, and furniture pieces.
  2. Custom part requested by manufacturer and supplied by vendor. Common examples include water tanks, counter tops, wheel wells and fenders, etc.
  3. Standard part mass-produced by an RV supplier. Most of these mass-produced parts are appliances, such as fans, air conditioners, stoves, refrigerators, water heaters, etc.
  • Obtaining unique parts can be very difficult! If the RV manufacturer no longer builds that model of RV, unique parts may be impossible to source.
  • Obtaining custom parts can be somewhat difficult! Be prepared for long wait times. 
  • Obtaining standard parts is fairly easy. Many of these parts are common to hundreds of thousands of RVs and can be found online or at many RV parts centers.

How an RV Salvage Yard Works

An RV salvage yard may look like the dirty end of capitalism, but it’s actually a gold mine! You can often find parts no longer in production and impossible to source otherwise. 

Salvage yards purchase used or damaged RVs from private sellers and insurance companies. These units turn into carrion for the vultures; buyers such as you will pick these RVs clean of their useful parts and appliances.

Remember: An insurance company will “total” a camper if the cost to repair the unit is greater than the market value! So even though a motorhome engine or chassis may be kaput, the refrigerator inside could be in pristine shape!

RVs typically wind up in a salvage yard for a few reasons:

  • At the end of their useful lifespan
  • Damaged by fire
  • Damaged by flooding or water damage
  • Other natural disasters (tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.)
  • Damaged during transportation or in a collision

Most RVs are only covered by a 1- or 2-year warranty (up to 3 years), so any accident outside of the first three years could result in a totaled camper or motorhome!

Before you go, you should write down the year, make, model and floorplan of your RV. If you’re hunting for a particular part or appliance, write down the manufacturer name and part number as well.

As a buyer, you can either tell the owner what part you’re looking for, or you can go hunting through the stockpile! Usually, RV salvage yards have units lined up in rows, so you can easily duck in and out as you go down the line. Expect to see the more expensive parts already removed and warehoused by the yard owner.

For insurance and liability reasons, larger RV salvage yards may not allow customers in the yard alone. You’ll need to be escorted by an employee and abide by safety rules.

To learn more about the in’s and out’s of an RV salvage yard, we recommend this informative blog post from RV Love.

Once you pick your parts, you’ll need to negotiate the total price with the owner. Feel free to haggle, but don’t be greedy! – salvage yard owners have to make a profit, too. If you buy multiple parts, ask for a discount. 

Why Should I Buy RV Parts from a Salvage Yard?


  • Excellent price!
  • Hard-to-find parts for older rigs
  • Shopping local
  • Reuse, recycle
  • Fun to hunt!


  • Can’t order online
  • Might have to hunt for parts
  • No guarantee of quality
  • No installation customer service
  • Lack of parts for newer rigs

So, you’re ready to shop?

Check out our comprehensive lists of RV salvage yards, surplus stores, and independently owned RV parts stores by state!

(And if you know of one we missed, please let us know! All your fellow RVers will be grateful, and you’ll help support local businesses.)

RV salvage yards, part stores and counting!

Featured Salvage Yard or Store:

RV Salvage and Surplus (by State)


“Yellowhammer State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Alabama? Why don’t you come over and sit a spell?


“The Last Frontier”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Alaska? Up, things (and people) are built tough!


“The Grand Canyon State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Arizona? Come see what the snowbirds left behind.


“The Natural State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Arkansas? Why not stay and enjoy the Ozarks, too?


“The Golden State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in California? This is a great state! (don’t judge us all by LA).


“The Centennial State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Colorado? Did you know Colorado has three seasons? July, August, and winter.


“The Constitution State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Connecticut? Come see the heart of New England!


“The First State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Delaware? 


“The Sunshine State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Florida? Come join the other 1,204,194 RVers here, too!


“The Peach State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Georgia? Peach season is mid-May to early August, by the way.


“The Aloha State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Hawaii? Erm … good luck …


“The Gem State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Idaho? Come visit one of the last great wilderness bastions in the Lower 48!


“The Prairie State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Illinois? Yes, they do exist away from I-80 and I-70!


“The Hoosier State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Indiana? We’ve got lots of ’em! We are the hub of the American RV market.


“The Hawkeye State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Iowa? Why not go for a factory visit through the Winnebago manufacturing plant? 


“The Prairie State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Kansas? Stay for the Flint Hills and unbeatable sunsets!


“The Bluegrass State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Kentucky? We don’t waste anything down here!


“The Pelican State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Louisiana? 


“The Pine Tree State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Maine? Stay and see the earliest (and best) sunrise in America!


“The Old Line State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Maryland? Just one hint: Stay off the Beltway!


“The Bay State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Massachusetts? We are the birthplace of the nation, you know. 


“The Great Lakes State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Michigan? If you’re lucky, you’ll see the Aurora Borealis while you’re here!


“The North Star State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Minnesota? Just don’t make fun of our accent, or we’ll politely ask you to leave.


“The Magnolia State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Mississippi? (That’s 4 S’s and 2 P’s, to make it easy).


“The Show Me State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Missouri? Consider us the gateway to the American West!


“The Treasure State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Montana? Take your pick: Big mountains or Big Sky country.


“The Cornhusker State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Nebraska? Come and watch birds at the Sandhills while you’re here!


“The Silver State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Nevada? 

New Hampshire

“The Granite State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in New Hampshire? And enjoy the best mountains east of the Rockies!

New Jersey

“The Garden State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in New Jersey? Fuggedaboutit!

New Mexico

“The Land of Enchantment”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in New Mexico? Visit Albuquerque for the best hot air balloon show of your life! 

New York

“The Empire State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in New York? We’re the home of the biggest wilderness of the East, the Adirondacks!

North Carolina

“The Tar Heel State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in North Carolina? Visit our slew of All-American scenic roads and byways!

North Dakota

“The Peace Garden State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in North Dakota? Visit Teddy Roosevelt’s favorite hideaway while you’re here.


“The Buckeye State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Ohio? We’re the home of the Industrial Midwest, after all.


“The Sooner State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Oklahoma? Better “sooner” than later! (sorry)


“The Beaver State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Oregon? With five distinct regions from mountains to beaches to deserts, we’re an RVer’s paradise!


“The Keystone State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Pennsylvania? Visit Pittsburgh, Hershey and Amish country while you’re here.

Rhode Island

“The Ocean State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Rhode Island? We’re not actually an island, by the way.

South Carolina

“The Palmetto State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in South Carolina? 

South Dakota

“The Mount Rushmore State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in South Dakota? 


“The Volunteer State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Tennessee? 


“The Lone Star State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Texas? 


“The Beehive State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Utah? Stay for the Mighty 5 on your way through!


“The Green Mountain State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Vermont? Fun fact: Billboards aren’t allowed here!


“The Old Dominion State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Virginia? Enjoy our Goldilocks climate while you’re passin’ through. 


“The Evergreen State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Washington – home of the best RV manufacturers in the country?

West Virginia

“The Mountain State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in West Virginia?


“The Badger State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Wisconsin? 


“The Cowboy State”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Wyoming? 


“A Mari Usque Ad Mare”

Looking for RV salvage yards and RV parts stores in Canada? Here’s a full list, organized by province.